Monday, February 6, 2012

Worship Gone Wrong

I recently had the privilege of spending a few days at the Cannon Beach Conference Center with the staff and elders of the church I work at.  It was 3 days of prayer, sharing, musical worship, unity, team building, celebrating, eating, laughing, encouragement and even a few tears of both joy and heartache as we shared some real-life stories side by side.  It was truly a "mountaintop with God" experience!

We were in the final stages of searching for a new lead pastor and it was a bit of a roller coaster ride, courtesy of God.  During some of our discussions, we talked about how we can sometimes forget that it is God we worship and that we often take back the controls.  Yet, I was amazed at the very clear, unanimous response of all present - this was all about God, and never about our individual desires.  I was reminded again how wonderful it is to serve God shoulder to shoulder with such genuine Christ-followers.

As we sang some of our songs, I was reminded of this "version" that made the Facebook circuit recently.  It is funny, yet sadly true.  Take a listen then let me know if you ever struggle with this as well.  It's so easy to fall into a routine, but I challenge us all to make this a song we can simply laugh with, instead of having it tug at our strings of conviction.

Join me, as we sing some all too familiar standards...

One More Thing...

So...what was the one you were laughing at before you realized you could relate to it?  Are you willing to share?

Take care, and I'm always here to pray for you or simply to connect with.

Lois Lynn

1 comment:

Teresa said...

I identify with "How great is this song" Sometimes I forget it doesn't matter that a song isn't my matters if it honors God.